Dear All,
The Science & Technology Fellowship Programme in China (STF China) has announced the second call for applications of researchers due to start in April 2010.
The STF China Programme is the pilot phase of an EC action in the People’s Republic of China aiming at building bridges between the EU and the People’s Republic of China in the Science & Technology domain. STF China will promote mobility of EU researchers towards the Chinese research and development area.
The fellows will be offered:
- 2 days briefing in Brussels prior to the departure
- 6-month tailor-made Chinese language and research culture training in Beijing
- 18-month practical research period in a Chinese host organisation
- networking and events for STF fellows including support to the formation and functioning of an STF fellow alumni organisation
To apply eligible candidates must
· either have a postgraduate degree (MSc or MPhil, etc) and two years research experience or hold a doctoral degree and
· have a research project that they intend to carry out in China during their research period of 24 months and
· Be supported by a EU sending organization and Chinese host institution
· preferably have very limited or no knowledge of the Chinese language
If you are interested in this opportunity, find out more on There may be funding available to help successful applicants with expenses not covered by the scholarship - deadline 29th October 2009. Contact Dr. John Donovan at for further information.
Kind Regards,
Gerolmina Di Nardo
Coordinator of Graduate Research School Office
Dublin Institute of Technology
143-149 Rathmines Road
Dublin 6
Tel. +353 1 4023374
F. +353 1 4023393