Saturday, December 12, 2009

Case Studies Assignment - hard copies

Apologies for this late direction, but hard copies of your assignment work are required for correction purposes.

There is a printer available to all students in the MSc room in Aungier Street, #3030.

Individual Assignment - hard copy collection
I will be at the canteen in Kevin Street on Thursday, 17 December from 18:30-19:00.
Alternatively, assignments can be left with Deirdre Lawless in her office on Tuesday, 15 December from 18.00-18.30.
You may also post it to me if you wish to save a trip:
Colman McMahon,
6 Gardiner Place,
Dublin 1.

Personal Portfolio - hard copy collection
Please bring to session on Saturday, 9 January, 2010
KE 3-008, 10AM

Group Presentations - hard copy collection
Please bring to session on Saturday, 9 January, 2010
1 print-out, per group
KE 3-008, 10AM

If you have any questions, please contact me: cajmcmahon[at]